Monday, October 29, 2018

ПРОНИКНОВЕНИЕ - Сборник Стихов - Александр Шкуратов

Вышел в свет мой сборник стихов "проникновение".
Делюсь ссылкой на книгу:
My collection of poems "penetration" was published. Share a link to the book.

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

"Lonely stars" - album "To the Light"

"Lonely stars" - album "To the Light" - 2008
music, lyrics, arrangement, multi-performance,
solo vocal - Askura Alexander Shkuratov
audio and video production - Askura Alexander Shkuratov
feamely vokals - Tania Shkuratov
in video used three background images of the painter Andrew Arkhipovskiy
Download album "To the Light"